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Early Childhood

Early Childhood

where the joy of learning takes off!

What if letter sounds and foundational math came packaged in journeys through the Amazon Rainforest and flights to countries throughout the world? What if the courage of superheroes gave hesitant readers the power to read? What if it only took 99 steps to see the sarcophagus or the Degas in the day’s lesson? What if your role in the 8th grade musical was foreshadowed in your original dramatic presentation in PreKindergarten? For younger learners, we know play and imagination are essential to learning. At PS, superb Early Childhood teachers set children on a path of intentional learning that feels like play, so students delight in the boundless potential of each school day. Schedule a visit to experience the PS difference.


countries visited in PreK Airlines

Our teachers created PreK Airlines, a world class interdisciplinary, project-based curriculum which immerses students in the culture of various countries around the world for an entire year. 


hours of play-based learning

A child's play is the most important work he/she does each day. Our classrooms offer well-equipped theme-oriented interest areas that give all Early Childhood students the opportunity to learn through play.


years of combined teaching experience

We value experienced teachers leading our Early Childhood students. Among our 18 PK3, PK4 and Kindergarten teachers, we have a total of over 400 years of teaching experience in the classroom. 


daily outdoor play & exercise opportunities

Being physically active every day is important for the healthy growth and development of students. Every day, students participate in PE and enjoy two recesses. 


number of crayons used 

Students are encouraged to express themselves and their creative talents in the daily curriculum. A wide variety of art materials are used in the classroom and with specialists in art and music.

Pre-K Airlines

flying around the world


great early childhood stories begin here

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be you, be brilliant

Early Childhood


What if play and imagination were the most valuable players in every school day? Experience learning in PK3, PK4 and Kindergarten with teachers who dream and children who delight in the boundless potential of each day. 

Lower School


What if your child learned and gained perseverance through problem solving? What if your child grew more independent and confident while doing so? Experience Confidence in every Child, 1st-5th grade.

Middle School


Relish the middle school experience at Presbyterian School where reflection, exploration, fortitude and celebration - and gracious adults - guide 6th-8th grade students toward great thinking and practical leadership.

Faith at Work


What if the fear of David facing Goliath for the first time came alive as you put on David's shoes? What if your childlike faith grew to move mountains? See the Spirit of God at work in acts of faith and kindness.

Fine Arts


What if your God-given gifts were mined, sending you forth with a greater knowledge of who you are meant to be? Work together with invested teachers and friends in a culture that honors and invites artistic pursuit.



What if physical training made me stronger spiritually, mentally and emotionally? Dare to join one of our 35 Presbyterian School sports teams and become a Panther who strives for the greatest rewards.