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Chapel & Bible Classes

Chapel & Bible

growing our faith

Students have the opportunity to strengthen their relationship with God and each other through Chapel and Bible study. Each year as a school, we focus on one of the Core Values of Presbyterian School and emphasize it in chapel through our scripture readings and messages. Parents are invited and encouraged to support their children's faith and are given resources to do this at home.



Early Childhood Chapel

Early Childhood students attend weekly grade-level chapels in which students are introduced to God and His ongoing story. They learn simple concepts about God that are often illustrated by stories and interactive activities. They begin to comprehend who God is, meet people in history who have loved God, and learn their identity as His children. Students start each chapel by recognizing God’s presence with us, then they learn directly from scripture by memorizing a monthly Bible verse. They learn how to engage in worship through singing. These early experiences of faith form the foundation from which the chapel program builds. Parents are welcome to attend Chapel during monthly family chapels.


Lower School Chapel

Lower School students come to chapel once a week by grade level. The structure of the worship time is consistent each week with a call to worship, songs of praise, meditation from the Bible, prayer, and a benediction to conclude the worship time. Lower School students learn the stories of the Bible from a systematic approach using the chronology of events of the Bible. The students are instructed on how God wants us to live and treat one another. In each service, there is the intention to draw practical applications from Scripture so that the stories have bearing on modern living. They also learn how to engage in worship through singing. Parents are welcome to attend Chapel during monthly family chapels.


Middle School Chapel

Middle school chapel is a whole-division gathering once a week. The structure of the worship time is consistent each week, with a call to worship, songs of praise, meditation from the Bible, prayer, and a benediction to conclude the worship time.Chapel worship is led by students who read scripture, lead prayers, and serve as the chapel band. A message is delivered by the Chaplain or a guest speaker from the PS faculty or First Presbyterian Church staff. Middle school students are taught portions of Scripture in depth so that they can more clearly understand the teachings found there. The purpose of the chapel program is to provide Biblical literacy and encourage application of the teachings to everyday life.  Parents are welcome to attend Chapel weekly.

Bible Study


Bible and Faith Classes (5th - 8th)

Our fifth-grade students receive a 30,000-foot view of the Bible as one unified story of God. Each lesson is tied to discovering more about God and our relationship Jesus. Our sixth-grade class utilizes the Orange XP3 curriculum to dive into Jesus’ life and teachings. In seventh-grade, our students participate in Alpha Youth as a way of exploring questions of faith. Our eighth-grade students return to Orange XP3 with a focus on living out our faith in our everyday lives. 


Lunchtime Bible Study Devotional Groups (5th - 8th Grade)

Each fifth through eighth grade offers lunchtime Bible Study Devotional Groups that meet weekly. These optional groups meet once a week at lunch and are facilitated by Presbyterian School faculty or First Presbyterian Church children and youth ministry staff.


Chapel Resources
We believe in the power of partnering with families in supporting the faith development of each child and believe this is a central piece of our PS mission. To live into that goal, Chaplains send home monthly resources to encourage continuing the conversation from chapel and Bible class at home. Within these resources, Chaplains share an anchor scripture, an overview of chapel topics, activities to do at home, conversations to have on the go, and a prayer to pray with your child.

Chapel Worship Songs Playlist
We have shared the worship songs we sing in Chapel on a Spotify playlist. Click here to listen to our playlist at home!