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Third Grade

Third Grade

finding your voice

How do you teach a child to find their voice? How do you make sure they have the confidence to stand up and be heard? Every day our Third Grade students have opportunities to gain confidence in themselves and their abilities. Whether standing on stage delivering a speech dressed as a difference maker during Great Moments in History or simply discovering ways to use words to express who they truly are through creative writing, young voices are being heard and getting stronger every day at PS.

On Exhibit: 3rd Grade Great Moments Wax Museum

Houston is home to one of the largest museum districts in the nation and PS is located right in the heart of it. Our goal is to one day be featured as an official Museum of Learning in the Houston Museum District but until that happens, we will continue to create our own Presbyterian School Museums. Each year every grade in the School determines a focus, completes research, learns from local experts, and then designs, creates, and installs their own grade level museum on campus. Have you ever wished you could meet a famous figure from the past? Well, at the Great Moments Wax Museum you can!

Third Grade students work to expand their knowledge of famous historical events and figures. Students choose a person from history to research and bring to life in the Wax Museum. Whether it’s a famous athlete, civil rights activist, author, explorer, or chef, students work hard to personify these individuals in appearance, speech, and form. Stop by the Great Moments Wax Museum to meet our famous characters and learn about their lives and accomplishments. This is one great moment you can’t miss!

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Each student developing a unique voice
Research, writing, & editing create a great speech
Practice makes perfect in front of a crowd
learn more from our 3rd grade wax museum
Students personify great individuals in history
students share one great moment on stage